Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pit and Peak Link-Up

Wow! That 1.8 pound weight loss really got me down this week (even though I said it wouldn’t). Anyway, I decided to link up with Tales of a Twenty Something and Bold Butter Baby to share my pits and peaks of the week.


  • Giving up on the SHRED diet
I was doing the SHRED diet plan, and after that first weigh in, I became very discouraged with it. I guess I shouldn’t have read the sentence in the book that said most people lose between 8-10 pounds in the first week if they have a considerable amount of weigh to lose. Guess I’m not ‘most people.’
  • Snacking at night
Although I stopped my diet plan, I didn’t fully let myself go. I’m not hitting the drive-thru breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I make healthy choices during the day, but at night, when I watch TV, I snack. I REALLY need to work on breaking that habit of watching TV and eating. I need to find something I can do with my hands instead of stuffing my face with pretzels and ginger snaps.

  • Didn’t give up on my running plan
One of my goals is to be able to run a 5K. Katie (from Runs for Cookies) wrote a post back in November that included a 5K running plan for people that hate to run, which you can find here. I've been using that as a guide, and it works so much better for me than Couch to 5K.

Tomorrow I’ll be running 13 minutes and walking 17. I want to go up to the track to see if I can run a mile. I couldn’t even do that in middle school, and I was probably about 60-70 pounds lighter then. Yesterday when I ran on the treadmill for 10 minutes, I was able to go 0.80 miles, so it’s not an unreachable goal.
  • Found this pet bed on clearance at Homegoods

My mom bought this for our dog, Jack. He is a 12 year old rat terrier, and we’ve had him since he was one. Late last year, we found out he has diabetes, so he gets insulin shots twice a day. He is also going blind, so we wanted to buy the bed for him to help keep him comfy while he’s still with us. He’s a sweet boy.


  1. I totally think that "losing 1.8 pounds" should be a peak! That's awesome and remember, EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS!

    Thanks for linking up!


    1. Very true! Thank you for the reminder! :-)
