Friday, January 11, 2013

3rd Times the Charm?

Well, this is my third attempt at trying to get a blog up and running. To be fair, I probably deleted the other two before they ever really had a chance, but there was no specific direction with either one of them.

Attempt #1 (Katy’s Corner) and Attempt #2 (Bliss, Books, and Barks) were both created to document my life in general. I think I wrote two posts total for each of them. Things got blah and boring…DELETE!

So, after my workout today, my new blog name (From KATYpillar to Butterfly) just popped into my head, and I made the decision to start a blog about my weight loss journey. Is it slightly corny? Maybe, but I don’t care. I like it.

I feel that this blog will help keep me accountable and motivated to lose weight. This may be my third time to start a blog, but it seems like my 1,000,000th time to try to lose weight. It’s one thing I’ll be happy to lose, and NEVER find again!

In the next week, I’ll be back with ‘before’ pictures, what I’m doing to help me lose the weight, and a possible mish mash of other things.

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